Category Archives: Uncategorized

Healing Benefits of “Holy Wood”- Palo Santo

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Palo Santo, wow! Talk about clearing out the negative energies, Palo Santo is powerful! This light and woody aroma is not only a pleasant enhancement to your space, but it actually works. It is known for its cleansing and healing properties that also keep the energies grounded and clear. It is great for overwhelming moments or high times of stress to help you get back to your center. It is known to uplift the vibrations in the space and bring about connection with our source of creation and creativity. Palo Santo corresponds to the “3rd Eye Chakra” as well as the “Crown Chakra”. So light up some Palo Santo and reach new levels in your meditation!


5 Benefits of Yoga!- Body, Mind and Spirit


We all need to take the time to slow down, breathe and do something good for ourselves. Yoga has been around for a long time and we all need to really start to reap the benefits of this powerful practice, myself included! I know it’s hard to find the time, but really even ten minutes of your time spent on a daily practice, can really go a long way. So why not give it a shot, your body, mind and spirit will thank you, and here’s why!

  1. Yoga Improves Balance!

That’s right, you will find that it is getting much easier to stay balanced throughout your daily life. Of course your physical balance will come with daily practice, but mental balance as well can be achieved. Always coming back to the breath when trying to juggle so many different things throughout your daily life, can be a very useful tool in navigating your way through life.

  1.   Builds Strength

Yoga builds up your core strength and shapes and tones muscles. A lot of poses are done that can really help build your overall physical strength. For example, forearm stands, standing on one leg, and downward facing dog, create shapes and strength in your muscles. By the way! You can expect to feel a little mentally stronger as well, a daily practice of taking time for yourself can do that!

  1.  Improves Flexibility

All of this moving and stretching in different ways can bring new flexibility and shapes to your body. A little stretching every day can go a long way, and you’ll feel good about it too!

  1.  Teaches Better Breathing

Inhales and exhales bring us into alignment with our body, mind and spirit. In yoga these breathing exercises are known as pranayama. This breathing can help us to clear nasal passages and calm the nervous system.

  1.   Feel More Self Confidence!

This is always a huge one for me. Yoga allows us to be more confident with our bodies and who we are as individuals. Everyone has their own personal journey throughout  their yoga practice. Progress is truly rewarding, especially with something as simple as just touching your toes!


Do yoga, practice everyday and FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF!

Full Moon In Pisces- 5 Ways To Handle the Shift!


Wow! I know I can really feel the powerful energy shift from the moon. With the full moon eclipse in Pisces I now understand why lately life has been an emotional roller coaster. Pisces has the reputation for being an emotional sign, so you may be noticing a lot of self-reflection, internal shifting, and changes in relationships. It’s time to center yourself and get in touch with that spiritual part of you. This is a great time to express yourself creatively, especially with all these emotions swirling about! The truth is coming at you full force so be sure to have an outlet to release these negative feelings and energies because as we all know, the truth can hurt!

There’s a lot of buried raw emotion, that might be resurfacing. Anger, frustration, restlessness, guilt, shame, joy, grief, worry, don’t be surprised if you are feeling something from 5 years ago. Just know, you are not going backwards! You are getting a second shot at releasing these feelings that no longer serve you. Even though it may be tough, it is time for great healing, balance and renewal! Continue to learn and grow and blossom. The truth will set you free and you are a clear and perfect channel for the light!

5 Ways To Manage the Moon Energy Shift!

  1. Get plenty of rest. Sleep is important for all of the energy that is buzzing around and being exerted. You cannot pour from an empty cup so rest up!
  2. Stay in check with yourself emotionally. You may feel overwhelmed, disheartened or maybe even restless, whatever it is keep up with it. Understand what you are feeling so you can tap into your feelings.
  3. Speak your truth! It will only save you time. Also let out any emotions that no longer serve you to avoid burying them! Don’t worry so much about other people.
  4. Be honest with yourself and others. The truth always prevails. Don’t set such high expectations for yourself, it’s okay to step back from something that is running you into the ground. You may find that certain things in your life are no longer serving you, just be real about it.
  5. Get creative! Express yourself in a creative outlet to release some of the tension. Now is the time to really let your imagination run wild. Who knows, you may discover a hidden talent!


Make your own natural tooth polish in 5 mins!

toothpolishLately I have been making my own toothpaste and it has been really helping my mouth. I decided to share the recipe and let others in on it because it has really been great. I struggle with a lot of gum and teeth issues so I am always looking for new tools to avoid future problems. This of course is a suggestion and it may not work for everyone. However, enjoy and let me know what you think!


  • 3 tablespoons- Coconut Oil
  • 1 tablespoon- Baking Soda
  • 1 tablespoon- Diatomaceus Earth
  • 1 teaspoon- Bamboo Activated Charcoal (food grade)
  • 1 teaspoon- Bentonite Clay (food grade)
  • 25 drops- Peppermint Essential oil

Blend together all ingredients in a glass bowl and put into a small jar or glass container. Use as needed to brighten up your smile!

Saturn Saturday!- Astrologisting

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Saturn is the Guardian of the Threshold between the material and the spiritual world. Saturn is the Lord of Order. He governs self-knowledge and allows the individual to grow through challenging hurdles by slowing things down. Saturn is associated with the wise and the elders who can help us to overcome an ordeal.

This is a good time for plowing through tasks, breaking bad habits, tackling responsibilities, and it is also great for deep thought and meditation. This is also a good time for cutting out things that no longer serve you and focusing on priorities. This is also a good time for conducting experiments and performing tasks that require focus and time.

Some cultures believe that Saturn is a very sacred day. Saturn can be an extremely powerful planet. Saturn is slow moving, so be prepared for its slow nature. It can be a little difficult to manage when traveling or when you need to get things done quickly. Just remember! Saturn takes on the role of an older authority figure who knows what’s best for you. So don’t be suprised if you’re running down a path and you have to turn around and walk back.

Saturday Saturn

    • Element: Earth
    • Nature: cold and dry
    • Zodiac ruling: Aquarius and Capricorn (uranus)
    • Physiology: skeleton, bone system, skin, and aging process
    • Represents: grandparents, wise men, scientists, knowledgeable persons
    • Age: old
    • Positive: ambition, maturity, strength wisdom,asceticism, growth, concentration
    • Negative: restriction, toughness, discipline, slows things down, stingy, cruel, selfish



An Introduction to Planetary Hours- Astrologisting


Planets rule our hours, days and our lives. Seven classical planets have rulership over each day and the segments that make up that day. These seven planets make up our week that we have come to know and live by.

As young children we learn the days of the week, Sunday (Sun), Monday (Moon), Tuesday (Mars), Wednesday (Mercury), Thursday (Jupiter), Friday (Venus), Saturday (Saturn). Each of these days have a deep rooted planetary significance that can help us navigate our way through life.
When it comes to planetary hours, there is an order in which the planets rule. Each day is ruled by a different planet (as mentioned above). The hours for that day begin at sunrise and then continue in the sequence known as the  “Chaldean order”.  This lists listed the planets furthest to  nearest in the planetary spheres model, or from slowest to fastest moving. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. The sequence is repeated throughout the day. During each of the hours, you may find that certain moods and activities are intertwined with the planetary hour. Once you are able to fully understand each planet, you can start to use this to your advantage.



Let’s Get Sensual: Aphrodisiac Herbs & More- Herbalisting


It’s time to get steamy! Do you know what makes you tick, what really gets you going? It’s about time to get connected with your sacred, sexual self on a whole new level. It’s safe to say there are a lot of aphrodisiacs out there, but what exactly is an aphrodisiac and what makes it so powerful? An aphrodisiac has the ability to move us out of our head and into our body. It gets your physical self fired up and ready to go.  There are two types of aphrodisiacs that help to connect us with our sexual selves. Nervines give off an immediate stimulation and they also have are known to heal the nervous system. They can sometimes even elevate moods and sooth the emotional self. Nervines often increase blood circulation which gives off an immediate and instant stimulation that can be quite satisfying. Adaptogens have more of a long term and drawn out fulfillment on the body and nervous system. Adaptogens works not only to balance the body but to restore the systems. This increases our energy overall and heightens the sexual experience. Aphrodisiacs help us to shift into a place that allows us to open up our hearts and fully embody the love that we feel.

Now let’s talk commitment. Our relationship with plants should be mutual and special. Anytime we choose to allow a plant to share its medicine with us, we must be sure to ask for its power and offer it everlasting gratitude. When we allow a plant into our sacred vessels, we are being exposed to the whole plant. This means that we are experiencing the whole personality. When it comes to aphrodisiacs, we must offer our full, open heart so the plant in return can do the same. This way, the relationship is reciprocal. I think it’s time to reveal some of these aphrodisiacs and what their special powers are.

A beautiful flower, a sweet aromatic fragrance and a worldwide symbol of love, there is a strong connection to the Rose and her loving grace. Rose, also known as Rosa canina, is a gentle reminder of our ability to open up and embody love. Just like the Rose, we have the capacity to open ourselves up and let our hearts bloom and grow. This flower is full of antioxidants and acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory and is often connected to the divine feminine. Rose acts as an effective blood tonic due to high nutrients and its ability to increase circulation. If your heart breaks, Rose is there to pick up the pieces because she is great remedy for the wounded lover. When the plant dies, she produces a fruit high in Vitamin C and nutrients known as, Rose Hips. Even in her final days, she brings such beautiful medicine that can be enjoyed as a tea or tincture.


Mighty Damiana is a powerful and masculine energy that is an excellent aphrodisiac. Damiana, or Turnera diffusa, is a powerful nervine that can help soothe tension or anxiety. It is known to boost serotonin levels. It also helps to balance the overall body system and it works to increase the blood flow especially to the heart center.


When it comes to emotional healing and self-love, Rose Quartz essence is the way to go. It helps to channel love in any form in which you choose. It helps to develop trust in our hearts. Rose Quartz essence, like Rose, carries the vibration of the divine feminine. Whether you are just wearing the stone or taking the essence internally, Rose Quartz can really teach you to open your heart.
So snuggle up with someone who tickles your soul and connect with your sacred sensuality.


5 Health Benefits of Kombucha : The Immortal Health Elixir


There is a reason Kombucha is known as the “Immortal Health Elixir”. It contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are beneficial to the body. It originated in the Far East around 2,000 years ago and it’s health benefits are endless.

So what exactly is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a raw, fermented, Probiotic and naturally carbonated tea. It contains black tea, sweetener  (cane sugar, fruit, or honey) and SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast) which aids the fermentation process. It then becomes naturally carbonated after it ferments.

5 Health Benefits of Kombucha:


       1.  Detoxification

The liver is a main organ, and it is constantly working to filter the blood coming from the digestive system to the rest of the body. Kombucha helps to protect the liver from toxins, despite being exposed to them. Kombucha contains Glucaric acid which benefits the liver and aids in detoxification.

  1.  Immunity Boost

Kombucha controls free radicals and keeps them from damaging the body. It is naturally high in antioxidants and it contains D-saccharic acid- 1,4- lactone (DSL) which has very strong antioxidant properties. Kombucha is also beneficial for cell detox and contains Vitamin C.

  1.  Digestion

Kombucha contains probiotics, enzymes, and beneficial acids. Gut balance is able to be maintained by introducing good bacteria into the body.

  1.  Energy

This drink invigorates people due to the Iron that is released during fermentation. It also contains very small amounts of caffeine and B -vitamins that contribute to the energy boost.

  1.  Cancer Fighter/ Preventer

A study published in Cancer Letters showed that Kombucha contains Glucaric acid which reduces the risk of cancer in humans.


It has been rumoured that President Ronald Reagan drank Kombucha daily to battle stomach cancer!



The Art of Creation: Artivisting


Art is not only a weapon, but it is a vehicle for change. Art can drive you where you want to go and drop you off at a place where you can finally make a difference. Art is a platform for change and creation. Creation is pure. It comes from a place inside ourselves that pushes us to keep going. Creators aspire, perspire and inspire others to create too. The world is a ready canvas that has been splattered on, stroked, punctured, weathered, burnt, beat up, illuminated and sometimes forgotten about. Dare to create. If every artist, crafter, creator, visionary and genius came together for the overall good of our worldly canvas, our home would be even more beautiful.


So the activist and the artist get together to create: artivism. Using art to raise awareness about issues dealing with racism, sexism, classism, politics, religion, education or anything else that is desperate for change in our society. Artivism can be such a powerful tool. It allows everyone to express themselves and be heard, while standing up for what they believe in. This is the start of a new revolution. We all need it. Together we can create change and a better world for everyone.
Creation is calling you to get out of your head and out into the world. Let it fuel you. DARE TO CREATE…what are you waiting for?


Let’s Get Lucid: Dreaming Herbs & More- Herbalisting


Plants are spiritual tools that speak a language of their own. Once we tap into the power of the plant we can use it to enhance our energy, spirit and wisdom. Dreams are a way in which we can get in touch with our inner realm and spiritual being. When we are conscious and aware of what we are dreaming, we have the ability to control what we do in our dreams. The concept of this type of control and awareness while sleeping is known as, lucid dreaming.

There are ways in which we can enhance our lucid dreaming experience by using herbs, flower essences and stones. Not only do these aid our dreaming experience, they also help in setting intention for our dreams. Mugwort, is known for protection and it’s involvement in lucid dreaming experiences. It is a cooling herb that is connected to the moon. Mugwort is very prominent in cities and suburbs, being known as a traveler’s herb, it protects those in transit. It’s scientific name “Artemisia vulgaris” shows connection to Artemis, the moon goddess. Whether the herb is enjoyed as a tea, tincture, or just simply under your pillow at night, Mugwort can really bring out the lucid dreaming experience.

Now let’s talk about Skullcap. Skullcap repairs and restores nerves so it is good for conditions like anxiety and depression. It can bring you into a deep sleep and promote positive and vivid dreams.

Blue Lotus is a sacred symbol as well as a sedative herb. It is known to put you in deep connection with your intuition as well as your 3rd eye and crown chakra. It is receptive to creativity and should be used in moderation and with intention.

St. John’s Wort flower essence is known for grounding and bringing in light. Flower essences are good for those who may have interactions with plants due to medical reasons, because the essence is the vibrational energy of the plant. They bring about emotional balance, and St. John’s Wort flower essence is also a good nightmare remedy.

Crystal and gem energies are powerful as well. Amethyst, is a known protector and dreaming stone. It purifies space and is great for receiving spiritual messages. This stone is known to hold a lot of energy so cleansing it with sage, mugwort or water should be taken into consideration.

Labradorite, is a great stone for pulling out energy and mystical wonder. It is a protector stone as well as one for the inner eye and adventure. It brings in positive light and is a great stone for traveling and exploring. The glimmer of a rainbow the stone has, is a great example of the magic it possesses.

While all these plants and stones are mere guides/ suggestions for lucid dreaming, it should be taken into consideration that some of these may not be the right fit for you. It is important to understand that like people, all of these natural tools have personalities in them. Your personality may not gel with theirs so it is important to know if these are the right fit for you. Use your best judgement and ask a professional before you decide to try anything you are unsure of.