Tag Archives: pisces

Full Moon In Pisces- 5 Ways To Handle the Shift!


Wow! I know I can really feel the powerful energy shift from the moon. With the full moon eclipse in Pisces I now understand why lately life has been an emotional roller coaster. Pisces has the reputation for being an emotional sign, so you may be noticing a lot of self-reflection, internal shifting, and changes in relationships. It’s time to center yourself and get in touch with that spiritual part of you. This is a great time to express yourself creatively, especially with all these emotions swirling about! The truth is coming at you full force so be sure to have an outlet to release these negative feelings and energies because as we all know, the truth can hurt!

There’s a lot of buried raw emotion, that might be resurfacing. Anger, frustration, restlessness, guilt, shame, joy, grief, worry, don’t be surprised if you are feeling something from 5 years ago. Just know, you are not going backwards! You are getting a second shot at releasing these feelings that no longer serve you. Even though it may be tough, it is time for great healing, balance and renewal! Continue to learn and grow and blossom. The truth will set you free and you are a clear and perfect channel for the light!

5 Ways To Manage the Moon Energy Shift!

  1. Get plenty of rest. Sleep is important for all of the energy that is buzzing around and being exerted. You cannot pour from an empty cup so rest up!
  2. Stay in check with yourself emotionally. You may feel overwhelmed, disheartened or maybe even restless, whatever it is keep up with it. Understand what you are feeling so you can tap into your feelings.
  3. Speak your truth! It will only save you time. Also let out any emotions that no longer serve you to avoid burying them! Don’t worry so much about other people.
  4. Be honest with yourself and others. The truth always prevails. Don’t set such high expectations for yourself, it’s okay to step back from something that is running you into the ground. You may find that certain things in your life are no longer serving you, just be real about it.
  5. Get creative! Express yourself in a creative outlet to release some of the tension. Now is the time to really let your imagination run wild. Who knows, you may discover a hidden talent!