Tag Archives: handfulofwords

Healing Benefits of “Holy Wood”- Palo Santo

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Palo Santo, wow! Talk about clearing out the negative energies, Palo Santo is powerful! This light and woody aroma is not only a pleasant enhancement to your space, but it actually works. It is known for its cleansing and healing properties that also keep the energies grounded and clear. It is great for overwhelming moments or high times of stress to help you get back to your center. It is known to uplift the vibrations in the space and bring about connection with our source of creation and creativity. Palo Santo corresponds to the “3rd Eye Chakra” as well as the “Crown Chakra”. So light up some Palo Santo and reach new levels in your meditation!


5 Benefits of Yoga!- Body, Mind and Spirit


We all need to take the time to slow down, breathe and do something good for ourselves. Yoga has been around for a long time and we all need to really start to reap the benefits of this powerful practice, myself included! I know it’s hard to find the time, but really even ten minutes of your time spent on a daily practice, can really go a long way. So why not give it a shot, your body, mind and spirit will thank you, and here’s why!

  1. Yoga Improves Balance!

That’s right, you will find that it is getting much easier to stay balanced throughout your daily life. Of course your physical balance will come with daily practice, but mental balance as well can be achieved. Always coming back to the breath when trying to juggle so many different things throughout your daily life, can be a very useful tool in navigating your way through life.

  1.   Builds Strength

Yoga builds up your core strength and shapes and tones muscles. A lot of poses are done that can really help build your overall physical strength. For example, forearm stands, standing on one leg, and downward facing dog, create shapes and strength in your muscles. By the way! You can expect to feel a little mentally stronger as well, a daily practice of taking time for yourself can do that!

  1.  Improves Flexibility

All of this moving and stretching in different ways can bring new flexibility and shapes to your body. A little stretching every day can go a long way, and you’ll feel good about it too!

  1.  Teaches Better Breathing

Inhales and exhales bring us into alignment with our body, mind and spirit. In yoga these breathing exercises are known as pranayama. This breathing can help us to clear nasal passages and calm the nervous system.

  1.   Feel More Self Confidence!

This is always a huge one for me. Yoga allows us to be more confident with our bodies and who we are as individuals. Everyone has their own personal journey throughout  their yoga practice. Progress is truly rewarding, especially with something as simple as just touching your toes!


Do yoga, practice everyday and FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF!

Full Moon In Pisces- 5 Ways To Handle the Shift!


Wow! I know I can really feel the powerful energy shift from the moon. With the full moon eclipse in Pisces I now understand why lately life has been an emotional roller coaster. Pisces has the reputation for being an emotional sign, so you may be noticing a lot of self-reflection, internal shifting, and changes in relationships. It’s time to center yourself and get in touch with that spiritual part of you. This is a great time to express yourself creatively, especially with all these emotions swirling about! The truth is coming at you full force so be sure to have an outlet to release these negative feelings and energies because as we all know, the truth can hurt!

There’s a lot of buried raw emotion, that might be resurfacing. Anger, frustration, restlessness, guilt, shame, joy, grief, worry, don’t be surprised if you are feeling something from 5 years ago. Just know, you are not going backwards! You are getting a second shot at releasing these feelings that no longer serve you. Even though it may be tough, it is time for great healing, balance and renewal! Continue to learn and grow and blossom. The truth will set you free and you are a clear and perfect channel for the light!

5 Ways To Manage the Moon Energy Shift!

  1. Get plenty of rest. Sleep is important for all of the energy that is buzzing around and being exerted. You cannot pour from an empty cup so rest up!
  2. Stay in check with yourself emotionally. You may feel overwhelmed, disheartened or maybe even restless, whatever it is keep up with it. Understand what you are feeling so you can tap into your feelings.
  3. Speak your truth! It will only save you time. Also let out any emotions that no longer serve you to avoid burying them! Don’t worry so much about other people.
  4. Be honest with yourself and others. The truth always prevails. Don’t set such high expectations for yourself, it’s okay to step back from something that is running you into the ground. You may find that certain things in your life are no longer serving you, just be real about it.
  5. Get creative! Express yourself in a creative outlet to release some of the tension. Now is the time to really let your imagination run wild. Who knows, you may discover a hidden talent!


Make your own natural tooth polish in 5 mins!

toothpolishLately I have been making my own toothpaste and it has been really helping my mouth. I decided to share the recipe and let others in on it because it has really been great. I struggle with a lot of gum and teeth issues so I am always looking for new tools to avoid future problems. This of course is a suggestion and it may not work for everyone. However, enjoy and let me know what you think!


  • 3 tablespoons- Coconut Oil
  • 1 tablespoon- Baking Soda
  • 1 tablespoon- Diatomaceus Earth
  • 1 teaspoon- Bamboo Activated Charcoal (food grade)
  • 1 teaspoon- Bentonite Clay (food grade)
  • 25 drops- Peppermint Essential oil

Blend together all ingredients in a glass bowl and put into a small jar or glass container. Use as needed to brighten up your smile!

Transformational Creatures: The Sacred Snake


Snakes are very interesting and sacred beings. Snakes can represent healing, transformation, primal energy, and spiritual guidance. They shed their skin and come into the new so they are often seen as symbols of transformation. The snake is a power animal and it can show up at a time when increased energy is manifesting. The snake moves and travels with its body very close to the earth. It is connected with the Earth’s energy and life force. The snake is a symbol of healing so it should be taken into consideration how you are using your energy to heal yourself or others. Your energy should be cultivated through nature and its resources. In ancient tales and traditions, snakes are seen as healers.

In Greek mythology, Asclepius is known as the god of medicine. He is a distinguished healer that is known to be featured with two snakes climbing up a rod. This symbol today is known as Caduceus.It is said that a snake licked the ears of Asclepius to return his kindness and filled him with knowledge of ancient healing wisdom.  It was believed that his snake companions would slither across the bodies of those who were sick and lick them back to good health while they were sleeping. Greek mythology held that people could gain second sight or hearing when licked by the snake.

caduceus_1924-svgWhile snakes can be seen as medicine and healers, they also have the ability to poison. They are similar to fungi in a sense that they contain chemicals that can heal, kill, or expand consciousness, possibly containing the elixir of life. Snakes are seen as the wisest when it comes to herbal knowledge.

Snakes are also seen as a dual expression of good and evil. The Hopi people are known to have a snake dance to ensure that rain will fall on their crops and ensure a good season. It is known to incorporate the Snake Youth (which is the sky spirit) and the Snake Girl (the underworld spirit) to renew fertility in nature. Live snakes were used in the dance and then were thrown into the fields for a good growing season. It is a prayer to the spirits of the sky for rainfall, thunder and lightning. In Hinduism, Kundalini is the power of pure desire and mother energy, it is a coiled serpent.

Just like snakes themselves, there is endless knowledge of the sacred meaning of the snake. If you happen to come across one, think about where you are in your life and what you are putting your energy into. The snake is full of wisdom and we can definitely learn a thing or two from these spiritual creatures.



Snake Spirit Animal


Saturn Saturday!- Astrologisting

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Saturn is the Guardian of the Threshold between the material and the spiritual world. Saturn is the Lord of Order. He governs self-knowledge and allows the individual to grow through challenging hurdles by slowing things down. Saturn is associated with the wise and the elders who can help us to overcome an ordeal.

This is a good time for plowing through tasks, breaking bad habits, tackling responsibilities, and it is also great for deep thought and meditation. This is also a good time for cutting out things that no longer serve you and focusing on priorities. This is also a good time for conducting experiments and performing tasks that require focus and time.

Some cultures believe that Saturn is a very sacred day. Saturn can be an extremely powerful planet. Saturn is slow moving, so be prepared for its slow nature. It can be a little difficult to manage when traveling or when you need to get things done quickly. Just remember! Saturn takes on the role of an older authority figure who knows what’s best for you. So don’t be suprised if you’re running down a path and you have to turn around and walk back.

Saturday Saturn

    • Element: Earth
    • Nature: cold and dry
    • Zodiac ruling: Aquarius and Capricorn (uranus)
    • Physiology: skeleton, bone system, skin, and aging process
    • Represents: grandparents, wise men, scientists, knowledgeable persons
    • Age: old
    • Positive: ambition, maturity, strength wisdom,asceticism, growth, concentration
    • Negative: restriction, toughness, discipline, slows things down, stingy, cruel, selfish





Sacred Circle: Hula Hooping For the Body, Mind and Spirit

sacred circles

Connecting with the hula hoop can be a magical experience. There is truth to why the hula hoop can be such a heart opening and transformational tool. Anytime we choose to engage in the hula hoop, we create our own sacred space between ourselves and the hoop. The connection we develop with the hula hoop is our own and it allows us to embark on our own personal journey, if we so choose. The movement not only engages our core strength but our spirit. The circle itself is a sacred symbol, it draws us in.

The Meaning Behind the Shape

The sacred circle creates a space that is safe and shielding for those who choose to engage.

The circle means:

  • universal
  • mobility
  • sacred
  • divine
  • inclusion
  • centering
  • protection
  • completion

That is only just a few because just like the circle, the possibilities are infinite. The circle is endless in nature, and its energy waltzes along the rhythm of time. The shape of the hoop possesses great power that many different cultures look at as spiritual.

Certain circles can trigger awareness and consciousness. They demand attention and we abide by their power. Some common circles that trigger awareness are:

  • Clocks- awareness of the essence of time
  • Planets- being in tune with the universe
  • The sun/moon- telling day from night
  • Egg- new life
  • Portals- access to dimensions different from our own
  • Cells- the life inside us all
  • Eyeballs- visions and the ability to see
  • Compass- directionally aware
  • Wheels- mobility and freedom to move
  • Seeds- the start of life and nurturing
  • Coins- currency and change

Cultural Significance

  • Alchemical symbolism

The circle is seen as a point of focus and concentration. It comes up a lot in esoteric alchemical art. The circle is used to put emphasis on the work at hand. It is often used when doing magic work or experimentation.


  • Native American Spirituality

The circle can be seen as the Sun, the Moon, and her children. The circle embodies spiritual energies that consider it to be sacred. It is the integration of energy and matter. The Medicine Wheel is in the shape of a circle and it is considered to guide in treating illnesses. Illnesses come from spiritual imbalances, and the wheel brings about spiritual and physical balance. It also depicts the circle of life.


  • Celtic

Circles were drawn as protective boundaries, not to be crossed by enemies or evil.They are also seen as a symbol of the cosmos which is an intangible process of time. It is a reminder of safety and sanctuary.


  • Chinese Symbology

The circle symbolizes the shape of heaven. Earth takes on the shape of the square. A square inside a circle signifies the unity of heaven and earth. Also, the circle is seen as balance between the yin and the yang. It embodies duality and balance within that.


Movement for the Body and Spirit

Hula hoops bring about excellent physical activity that works in unity with the body and spirit. Hooping offers the opportunity to gain solid core strength that is essential for overall body support and movement. It also helps with spinal mobility which is essential for bending and stretching.

The Physical

Hula hooping is good for a number of reasons:

  • Cardiovascular endurance

Hula hooping burns a large amount of calories and it gets your heart pumping, depending on how long you do it for. It allows your body to work for oxygen

  • Beneficial to Joint Health

Hooping increases joint and spinal mobility. The rhythm of the hoop gives your body the chance to reach optimal joint health. This movement allows for your intervertebral discs to receive nutrients that are crucial for a healthy spine.

  • Core and Muscle Strength

The repetitive hip movements can really help strengthen the muscles and core. A strong core can help support the back and lessen back pain. It also strengthens the lower back muscles which can help anyone with history of back pain. It also helps strengthen the upper and lower extremities. It also can work as many as 30 of your body’s muscles!

  • Improves Hand- Eye Coordination

It challenges your brain and muscles! It sends signals to you brain for reversing direction, catching the hoop and reacting to the rhythm in which the hoop goes.

The Spirit

The movements hula hooping possesses are very spiritually driven due to:

  • Rhythm

Rhythm connects us to our primal state of being. Everything in nature is done in a rhythm when it comes to ocean tides, growing plants, transitioning from day to night, and the circle of life itself. When we embody a rhythm, we can default back to our primal energy and our natural selves. Hula hoops allow us to find our rhythm, in any way we choose, and flow with it. We go with the flow, and even if the rhythm changes, we keep flowing.

  • Spiraling

Spirals are sacred symbols that represent energy. If you look at pure energy under a microscope, it forms spiral patterns.They also represent growth and evolution. A lot of movements that are done in hooping encompass either a spiral activity or shape. Hula hooping creates spiral movements with the head and body, and the energy that is used creates alignment with the body and spirit. Overtime your relationship with the hoop evolves and grows, much like the representation of the spiral.

  • Sacral Rocking

Hula hooping involves moving the sacrum back and forth in a rocking motion. This helps to loosen up energy blocks in the sacral energy or chakra. By becoming mindful of this motion when doing it, you can become more aware of your sacral energy. The Sacral Chakra is the center of feeling, pleasure, emotion, sensuality, intimacy and connection.

  • Massaging Abdominals

In many cultures the belly is known as the “seat of the soul”. The naval is where we first received energy from our mother’s womb. The blood, oxygen and nutrition flowed from her body into ours. The abdomen is sacred, it was the beginning of our energy flow. Abdominal massaging can increase blood flow to vital organs. It also helps to stimulate the body’s natural detoxification process and it releases emotional tension. Hula hooping can help massage the abdominals and it can make you feel good!

Whatever reason you have to hoop just go out and do it. Not only is there a lot to learn.But it is healthy for your body, mind and spirit.


















You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Clean Water!


LogoMaker-1471974760483.pngClean water is a right not privilege. Water is sacred and it is needed to hydrate our bodies so we can live happy and healthy lives. But even in our modernized and supposedly advanced society, access to clean water is becoming increasingly harder to come by. Water is being polluted. Oil companies and corporations are not being held accountable for their actions that are essentially poisoning large populations of people. Corporations should not have control over our food and water sources. Water bottles are unfortunately a perfect example of what we are up against. With all of the money that is spent on bottling water that is stolen from the public supply, we could fix the real issue with our system, tap water. Depending on where you are from, tap water can contain chemicals such as aluminum, fluoride or even in some cases lead. This is a serious problem for humanity.

In these desperate times of dirty water and detrimental droughts, there is a huge movement to take back what we deserve as human beings. Our water is being tampered with, poisoned and stolen from us in ways that are much bigger than us as individuals. RIGHT NOW people are coming together to do what is right and stand up for our right to clean water. One movement in North Dakota has made headlines due to their efforts to protect the water supply.

Native American activists from the Standing Rock Sioux and Lakota tribes have come together to peacefully fight for sacred water and land. The Dakota Access pipeline is the cause of this protest and it is a problem. It transports massive amounts of crude oil in way that could potentially damage drinking water forever. Pipelines are rarely safe. They leak, and when they do, drinking water and the earth’s ground suffers detrimental consequences. The protest is happening, due to the plan to run the pipeline under the Missouri River, which is the main source of drinking water for the Standing Rock tribe. They are reaching out to people everywhere, to join in their fight for what we all deserve as human beings. Their efforts are peaceful and their sense of community is strong. By staging war charges and chants in an attempt to express their anger and frustration without being violent, they are making their presence known. This one protest is a part of a movement that’s bigger than us. Our waters are being poisoned, what can we do about it?

Educate yourself, teach others, and find a way to get involved in the fight for clean water!

http://rezpectourwater.com/ – Standing Rock protest site and information

http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/– information on an organization dedicated to saving the food and water supply

http://www.cleanwateraction.org/– an organization dedicated to the clean water movement











An Introduction to Planetary Hours- Astrologisting


Planets rule our hours, days and our lives. Seven classical planets have rulership over each day and the segments that make up that day. These seven planets make up our week that we have come to know and live by.

As young children we learn the days of the week, Sunday (Sun), Monday (Moon), Tuesday (Mars), Wednesday (Mercury), Thursday (Jupiter), Friday (Venus), Saturday (Saturn). Each of these days have a deep rooted planetary significance that can help us navigate our way through life.
When it comes to planetary hours, there is an order in which the planets rule. Each day is ruled by a different planet (as mentioned above). The hours for that day begin at sunrise and then continue in the sequence known as the  “Chaldean order”.  This lists listed the planets furthest to  nearest in the planetary spheres model, or from slowest to fastest moving. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. The sequence is repeated throughout the day. During each of the hours, you may find that certain moods and activities are intertwined with the planetary hour. Once you are able to fully understand each planet, you can start to use this to your advantage.



5 Health Benefits of Kombucha : The Immortal Health Elixir


There is a reason Kombucha is known as the “Immortal Health Elixir”. It contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are beneficial to the body. It originated in the Far East around 2,000 years ago and it’s health benefits are endless.

So what exactly is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a raw, fermented, Probiotic and naturally carbonated tea. It contains black tea, sweetener  (cane sugar, fruit, or honey) and SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast) which aids the fermentation process. It then becomes naturally carbonated after it ferments.

5 Health Benefits of Kombucha:


       1.  Detoxification

The liver is a main organ, and it is constantly working to filter the blood coming from the digestive system to the rest of the body. Kombucha helps to protect the liver from toxins, despite being exposed to them. Kombucha contains Glucaric acid which benefits the liver and aids in detoxification.

  1.  Immunity Boost

Kombucha controls free radicals and keeps them from damaging the body. It is naturally high in antioxidants and it contains D-saccharic acid- 1,4- lactone (DSL) which has very strong antioxidant properties. Kombucha is also beneficial for cell detox and contains Vitamin C.

  1.  Digestion

Kombucha contains probiotics, enzymes, and beneficial acids. Gut balance is able to be maintained by introducing good bacteria into the body.

  1.  Energy

This drink invigorates people due to the Iron that is released during fermentation. It also contains very small amounts of caffeine and B -vitamins that contribute to the energy boost.

  1.  Cancer Fighter/ Preventer

A study published in Cancer Letters showed that Kombucha contains Glucaric acid which reduces the risk of cancer in humans.


It has been rumoured that President Ronald Reagan drank Kombucha daily to battle stomach cancer!



